Security Export Control

Security Export Control

Savana Motor: Security Export Control Policy

Savana Motor – Current Create LLC (“the Company”) recognizes the importance of complying with security export control laws and regulations in Japan and is committed to ensuring that its export activities adhere to these requirements.


1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The Company will comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to security export control in Japan, including but not limited to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and its related ordinances.


2. Classification of Items

The Company will classify its products and technologies in accordance with the applicable control lists and regulations to determine whether they are subject to security export controls.


3. Prohibition of Unauthorized Exports

The Company prohibits the export of items that are subject to security export controls without obtaining the necessary permits or authorizations from the relevant authorities.


4. Screening of Customers and Transactions

The Company will conduct due diligence on its customers and transactions to ensure compliance with security export control requirements. This may include screening customers against denied party lists and conducting end-use checks.


5. Employee Training and Awareness

The Company will provide regular training and awareness programs to its employees to ensure they understand their responsibilities regarding security export control compliance.


6. Reporting and Recordkeeping

The Company will maintain accurate records of its export activities and report any violations or suspicious activities to the relevant authorities as required by law.


7. Cooperation with Authorities

The Company will cooperate fully with the relevant authorities in any investigations or inquiries related to security export control compliance.


8. Continuous Improvement

The Company will regularly review and update its security export control policies and procedures to ensure they remain effective and comply with changing laws and regulations.


Savana Motor – Current Create LLC is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance in its export activities and will take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with security export control laws and regulations in Japan.